Our "Best Friend" Honored Volunteer: Cheryl Platz

"Cheryl is an INCREDIBLE dog handler able to help us with our most challenging pups in ways that are invaluable to their development!"
By Best Friends Animal Society

"Our Best Friends" is a weekly installment to honor just a few of our outstanding Best Friends LA volunteers. This is your chance to get to know some of the shining stars in the Best Friends LA volunteer program! Volunteers are either nominated by Best Friends LA staff or other volunteers in our program. If you would like to volunteer, e-mail the Best Friends LA Volunteer Department at volunteerLA@bestfriends.org. 

Cheryl Platz - Honored September 2019

What BFLA programs/events/volunteer roles do you find yourself participating in?

I currently volunteer with the dogs at the grey star level. I also participate in the Foster Kitten Vaccine Program. I was trained to give the actual vaccines to the kittens. I have also volunteered at the Super Adoption event and been trained to showcase dogs, but I always seem to come back to just walking the dogs.  I feel this is the area where there is the greatest need, where I can be the most help. To get those kids out so they can pee!

Why do you choose to volunteer with Best Friends LA?

We had a dog who passed away and in our search for a new dog I stumbled on to Best Friends. I volunteer here because it is a great opportunity to be of service and give back, but it is also extremely well organized. It makes it easy to come in and help.  The staff all work extremely hard and are incredibly helpful.

How long have you been a BFLA/NKLA volunteer?

I have been a volunteer at BFLA/NKLA since February 2018.

What do you do when you're not volunteering (career/extracurricular activities)?

I have been a licensed real estate agent since 1989 (talk about seeing an industry change/evolve!) I work on my golf game, work out at Gold’s Gym in Venice, practice yoga, run my 12 year old godson around and at the end of each day I walk my own dogs.

Do you have a favorite story to share about an experience volunteering with Best Friends LA?

My favorite story is not just one , really, it’s more of a story line.  When one of our long term residents or a dog who's behavior may be a little more challenging finally gets adopted, its the best news EVER!

Do you have any pets? Tell us about them!

I have 3 dogs.  One was adopted by us from NKLA, which is how I came to volunteer here.  She is a female pit, 75 pounds of solid muscle and a beauty named Ivy. We have an 80 pound black lab, who is 2 ½ and his name is Montgomery. We also have a “little” who is most likely Corgi and Chihuahua mix, so you know who is the boss of the tribe. Yep, the 12 year old “litte” who is named Baby.

What others are saying about Cheryl:

Cheryl is the best! Cheryl is an INCREDIBLE dog handler able to help us with our most challenging pups in ways that are invaluable to their development! She has been with us for a very long time now doing something that is arguably one of the most impactful things a volunteer can do - help us facilitate first walks during key Monday - Friday AM shifts! She is just an awesome person who works incredibly hard every single time she visits. Cheryl - we appreciate your spirit, your kindness and all that you do for staff and our dogs! Thank you so much for everything! -NKLA Staff

Los Angeles