John and Janis, who have chosen to donate their estate to Best Friends after they pass

John and Janis

John and Janis have been animal lovers their entire lives. Their involvement in the welfare of homeless pets has been a lifelong endeavor, from finding homes for abandoned animals to caring for all kinds of four-legged friends, both large and small. So when it came to deciding where they should leave their estate when they passed, it wasn't long before they found Best Friends.

John and Janis don't think of themselves as having a large estate to leave behind. Janis even laughed at the word "estate," commenting in her Southern drawl, "Every little drop in the bucket helps, and we wanted to make it count." But to the animals, all gifts carry a wealth of love and kindness. For John and Janis, it gives them peace of mind knowing that what they leave behind will benefit homeless pets.