Bunnies, birds, and wild friends

Your gift helps Save Them All

Toon illustration

The early days of Best Friends

And just like that, Best Friends turns 40 years old. We’re celebrating 40 years of kindness and compassion with a look back at photos, stories, and more from the early days of the Sanctuary.

Read all about the bunnies, birds, and wild friends at the Sanctuary

Stories of hope, love, and resilience

Adopt your new best friend

When you adopt an animal, you’re not only adding a loyal and loving companion to your family, you’re helping to save lives.

Animal Previews
Animal Previews
Animal Previews
Animal Previews
Animal Previews
Animal Previews
Animal Previews

Volunteer at the Sanctuary

It’s your chance to help with daily care of the bunnies, birds, and wild friends at the Sanctuary.

You can get face-to-face interaction with the animals as a Bunny House, Parrot Garden, or Wild Friends volunteer. To get started, sign up for a volunteer shift.

If you’ve volunteered with Best Friends before, go to the volunteer portal to see opportunities available to you.

Wild Friends Photo Icon

Let’s be friends!

Connect with us on our Facebook groups to stay in the loop:

Bunny House Facebook group

Parrot Garden Facebook group

Wild Friends Facebook group