Female Domestic Shorthair named Alice available for adoption

Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female


Sanctuary (Kanab)
Looks like
Domestic Shorthair
Estimated Birthdate
Spotted Tabby/Leopard Spotted

Are you captivated by the allure of a beautiful feline with a coat reminiscent of a lynx or Siamese? Look no further than Alice! Alice is a stunning beauty with a coat that's as mesmerizing as her personality. While she may be shy around humans and prefer to keep her distance, she's a social butterfly when it comes to her feline friends. Alice adores the company of other cats and enjoys nothing more than spending time with them, whether it's engaging in playful antics or simply basking in each other's presence. This gorgeous girl isn't one to seek attention from people, but she has a unique way of expressing herself. Alice is quite the vocalizer when it comes to communicating with her fellow felines. Whether it's a soft meow to greet them or a playful chirp to get their attention, Alice knows how to make her presence known in the most charming way. One of Alice's favorite pastimes is exploring the great outdoors with her feline friends. She's a true adventurer at heart and loves nothing more than soaking up the sights, sounds, and smells of nature alongside her companions. Whether they're chasing insects, lounging in the sun, or embarking on mini expeditions, Alice thrives in the company of her fellow outdoor enthusiasts. If you're ready to welcome a stunning and social companion into your home, come meet Alice today! With her striking appearance, charming vocalizations, and love for outdoor adventures, she's sure to bring joy and excitement to your household.