Thanks for taking action!

Now, will you support (or share!) all four bills awaiting the governor's signature?

SB 1672 requires insurance companies to collect data regarding dog-related incidents (such as bites or falls) for a period of two years. To date, there is no data to justify dog breed discrimination by insurance companies. 

SB 1673 allows shelter veterinarians to use nonsurgical sterilization on shelter dogs and cats in addition to spaying or neutering. 

HB 1711 prohibits Illinois pet stores from selling cats and dogs, instead allowing stores to host adoption events with shelters and rescue groups. When signed, this legislation will make Illinois the 5th U.S. state to stop pet stores from selling dogs and cats, helping bring an end to inhumane breeding.

SB 154 would help keep pets and families together by requiring housing providers who receive funds from the Affordable Housing Act Trust Fund to allow tenants to have up to two cats or one dog that weighs less than 50 pounds. 

Thank you for supporting Illinois' pets and people!