Female Domestic Shorthair named Safi available for adoption

Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female


Sanctuary (Kanab)
Looks like
Domestic Shorthair
Estimated Birthdate
Gray (Mostly)

Hello, feline enthusiasts! I'm Safi, a seasoned pro in the art of companionship, and I'm on the lookout for my forever lap to curl up on! At the distinguished age of wisdom, I've mastered the fine balance between skittishness and an undeniable affection for my humans.

Picture this: mesmerizing blue-green eyes that can captivate your soul! They say eyes are the windows to the heart, and mine are wide open, ready to invite you into a world of love and warmth. I may be a bit shy at first, but once you earn my trust, get ready for a purr-sonality explosion! I've got a unique way of expressing myself - I'll let you know when I'm in the mood for some tender pets, and believe me, my purrs are music to the ears.

I'm not just your ordinary feline - I'm a connoisseur of the finer things in life, particularly cooking shows! I'll happily join you on the couch for a cozy TV session, but make sure to save me a spot on your lap! Ah, lap sleeping - my pice de rsistance! I've perfected the art of finding the comfiest nook on your lap and settling in for a delightful nap. Trust me, it's a win-win situation - you get a warm, purring companion, and I get a comfy spot to rest my paws.

Are you ready to welcome a sophisticated senior into your home? If you're seeking a cat who adds charm to your space, loves to share quiet moments, and enjoys the culinary wonders of television, then look no further. Adopting me, Safi, means inviting a world of love and companionship into your life! Hurry, because these dazzling blue-green eyes are ready to meet their forever family. Let's make memories together and create a happily-ever-after story that's as heartwarming as a purr in the afternoon sun!