Adoptable cats at Best Friends Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah Search by name Looks likeAmerican ShorthairDomestic LonghairDomestic Medium HairDomestic ShorthairEgyptian MauSiamese Secondary BreedDomestic ShorthairManxMixSiameseSnowshoe AgeBabyYoungAdultSenior SizeSmallMediumLargeX-Large ColorBlackBlack (Mostly)Black and WhiteBrownBrown (Mostly)Calico or Dilute CalicoChocolateChocolate (Mostly)CreamCream and WhiteGrayGray (Mostly)Gray and WhiteOrangeOrange and WhiteRed (Mostly)Spotted Tabby/Leopard SpottedTortoiseshellWhiteWhite (Mostly) SexFemaleMale Sort by Newest ArrivalsLongest StayList A-ZFeatured There were no pets found with your search criteria. Please modify your search and try again.