FeaturesAll Stories Features Julie's Blog VideosMagazine Community Voices Image Faces of No-Kill: Senior cat teaches kittens art of play Chameleon embraces kitten chaos, serving as a wrestling coach, jungle gym, and fun auntie to the tiniest troublemakers at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. She’s the ultimate fun aunt Feature Image Common dog myths debunked Shedding light on nine myths that might cause you to miss out on a new best canine friend Get the facts Feature Image 18 pooches go from matted to magnificent When a group of dogs arrived at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary from an overcrowded home, they found love, healing, and a sea of second chances. Read about their journey Feature Image Demystifying common cat myths From purring to trainability to declawing, here are nine common cat myths that have been effectively debunked. Get the facts Feature Image Book review: ‘Pawprints to Heaven’ The grief from pet loss can be overwhelming. In this gentle memoir, a veterinary cardiologist shares her journey as well as words from her clients. Tales of animals who crossed the Rainbow Bridge Feature Image Virginia is for (pet) lovers The commonwealth marked a milestone with 80 animal shelters now no-kill. Successful event at the Capitol in Richmond Feature Image Faces of No-Kill: Just 2 weeks give pups second chance Daisy and her puppies have bright futures thanks to the power of teamwork and short-term fostering. Lifelong impact from short stay Feature Image How a Baltimore shelter saved a scared dog named Tanner The Best Friends embed program supported Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter (BARCS) in finding new ways to save more pets in their care. A plan for every animal Feature Image A surge in lifesaving at Alabama animal shelter Best Friends embed program supports new procedures and strategies that provide a foundation for future success at City of Selma Animal Services. Now looking to the future Feature Image New animal shelter data reveals nationwide progress Reporting from animal shelters across the country shows thousands more dogs and cats are being saved, but unfinished business remains on the way to no-kill. Saving lives in Wisconsin and Nebraska Feature Image Her will, her way Why Alida Collewyn was fiercely determined to give back to the animals of Best Friends Easy process provides peace of mind Feature Image Teaming up to revive an Illinois community cat program Coles County embraces a new program to spay and neuter community cats with support from a Best Friends grant. Mobile clinic has been a game changer Feature Image L.A. fire evacuee finds hope at Best Friends When Tara Pope fled her home to escape the L.A. fires, she found an unexpected haven at Best Friends Roadhouse and with the animals. Best Friends offers hope Feature Image Meet the cat who wears boots See how caregivers at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary found a creative solution to help a kitty with limited mobility. He's quite the dashing hero Feature Image Faces of No-Kill: Survivor dog Bella, 2 years later Checking in with Bella about life at home with her new family since her incredible rescue. Life is now as cozy and full of love Feature Pagination First page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 … Last page 243 Next page