Get the full story with the 'Best Friends' magazine

Best Friends magazine is the nation's most uplifting magazine for pet lovers. Full of engaging stories, happy tales of rescue and gorgeous photos, the magazine is the official publication of Best Friends Animal Society, a national nonprofit membership organization dedicated to saving the lives of homeless pets.
From our home and headquarters — the nation's largest no-kill animal sanctuary, located in Kanab, Utah — Best Friends is working to Save Them All in communities around the country.
How to subscribe
When you become a member of Best Friends Animal Society by making a donation of $25 or more to the animals, you'll receive Best Friends magazine for a year.
Inside, you'll read about what Best Friends is doing to save the lives of homeless pets nationwide. You'll have the satisfaction of knowing that with your donation, you've helped to make all of these good things come true.
Become a Best Friends member today
Become a Best Friends member and begin receiving your bimonthly Best Friends magazine.
Once you've read the magazine, be sure to share it, lend it and give it away! The more you spread the word, the more people will be inspired to help homeless dogs and cats.
If you have questions, please email You can also subscribe by calling 435-644-2001.
Magazine archives
Past issues of Best Friends magazine are available online in digital format. They are here for you to view, free of charge.
For anyone on mobile, you can get the app from iTunes. Click here for the iTunes app.
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