Decking out dogs with The Daily Show

Fans of The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, did you know that you can deck out your pet with awesome Daily Show swag and support the animals at Best Friends at the same time? Well, now you can.
The Daily Show Dogs collection includes bandanas, collars, hand towels and bowls, and all ViacomCBS proceeds will be donated to Best Friends.
And if you don’t already follow @DailyShowDogs, get thee to that account immediately to see adoptable dogs from Best Friends and many of our network partners modeling gear from the collection, through June 18.
Show your love for The Daily Show, Best Friends and, of course, your dog while supporting the goal to help all shelters in America reach no-kill by 2025.
Put the news on “paws” and browse through the merch while it’s available.
Shop The Daily Show Dogs collection
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Grumpy, toothless min-pin finds a family who loves everything about him
Fostering dogs is a family affair
Photo courtesy of Comedy Central