Giving marriage another shot

Remember Bubba? Of course, no one could forget those sad eyes. Once the victim of a marriage gone all wrong, he’s now starting over again, with a marriage that promises to be the first happy one he’s ever known.
That’s right; Beth and Mike Keenan, who recently came to Best Friends to have their wedding, have decided to adopt him! He’s on his way to their home in Indiana.
Bubba came to Best Friends because his old family was an abusive one. The man was always beating up his wife, and when, after 10 years, she left him, she didn’t want the pets to be left behind. So she called the Best Friends Network, and a number of Utah rescue groups pitched in to get the animals out of there. Some went to Animal Oasis, some went to the Pet Samaritan Fund, and Bubba was one of those who came to Best Friends.
Bubba was a shy guy, often scared of men. When the Keenans agreed to take him for an overnight visit during their wedding trip to the sanctuary, he wasn’t sure he wanted to go. His foster mom had to coax him. She said, "Go ahead, Bubba. These are good people." And it was with great reluctance that he stepped forward. But thank goodness he did! Because that overnight visit was about to change his life.
The Keenans said that in just that overnight visit, he gave them more love than he could ever have realized he was giving. They just adored him. And when they got home to Coatesville, Indiana – newly married – they decided to make Bubba a part of their brand new family.
He’s gone from a sad marriage to a brand new happy one! And Best Friends gets to call him our furry wedding gift to a very compassionate couple.
By Elizabeth Doyle