Labradoodle lookalike: Dog who looks like a mix of Lab and poodle

Sometimes life doesn’t make any sense at all. Poppy the puppy can’t quite figure out why nobody has picked him for a home yet when people are willing to shell out thousands for dogs who look exactly like him. He’s a mixed-breed pup who came to Best Friends with his siblings a couple months back, from another rescue group.
A dog who looks like a Labradoodle
Talk about exotic. He looks just like a Labradoodle! And shoot, while he may not have the fancy designer breed paperwork (not that he needs it!), he has all the personality a pup like him needs to make his way in the world.
Yet for some bizarre reason, his last four adoption events have not produced that perfect match. Not that he’s given up hope or anything. After all, as popular as he is with visitors, he’s bound to find that special someone sooner or later. Sometimes the dog staffers even take Poppy down to the Welcome Center for meet and greets.
Friendly dog who loves people
Visitors love Poppy! He’s such a great boy. Always happy to meet a new friend. Always ready to play and dazzle the crowds in puppy class. By the time he finds a family, he’ll be so totally socialized that they could probably whisk him off to Mars and he’d settle right in with the neighbors.
Designer dog breed
So no, he’s not technically a Labradoodle. But isn’t "designer breed" just a fancy way of saying "mixed breed"? "That’s me!" Poppy is quick to pipe up. And even if those curly Labradoodle-ish locks haven’t helped find him a happy-ever-after quite yet, Poppy will keep trying. No matter what his bloodlines, this guy is a keeper for sure!
Read a story about a purebred Korat cat who has taken over Best Friends Animal Sanctuary.
Photo by Sarah Ause