Spend a day with Catlin the kitten vlogger
It’s hard to believe that someone as tiny and cute as Catlin could lose her home and need a place to go, but it happens every day to kittens. She found a soft landing with Best Friends and an awesome foster home, and life has been good ever since.
Wondering how Catlin maintains her fit and furry lifestyle? Follow along for her full day of delicious meals and nutritious snack ideas. Catlin also shares her lifestyle hacks to being the best version of herself.
It’s kitten season
There are kittens who need you right now. When you open your home temporarily to foster a kitten (or kittens), you are saving life. And you may just meet the next adorable and furry influencer, too.
I want more information about fostering
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A boy, a broken heart and a very good kitten
Playful cat with special needs falls in love with his foster sibling