Woman wearing a Best Friends T-shirt hugging a dog to her chest as he kisses her chest

Make a gift or raise funds in memory of a pet or person

There are many meaningful options for remembering a treasured dog, cat or other pet - or a cherished person who has passed. Best Friends Animal Society offers ways to honor these loved ones, help you cope with loss and celebrate life.

Your gift in memory of an animal or person will go straight to work helping homeless dogs and cats in Best Friends programs across the country.

Using our simple tools, you can raise money and awareness online to commemorate a beloved pet or person.

"I don't care how much time has gone by, you never forget their unconditional love and the joyful memories they gave you." 

- Donna, Best Friends member

Find a memorial

Search for a memorial below by honoree name, date of the memorial or gift giver's information.

Search memorials

Order a memorial marker or other tribute

There are many ways to memorialize your pet at Angels Rest or at home, including flagstone or granite markers and personalized wind chimes. Visit the Angels Rest page for more information or choose one of the options below.
Order a memorial marker
Order wind chimes
Order a Sanctuary brick
Order memorial cards, tokens and more

Access our pet loss resources

Our online resources can help with the grieving process:
Loss of a Pet
Pet Loss and Grief Resources
Pet Euthanasia