Our "Best Friend" Honored Volunteer: Lorraine G.

Volunteer Lorraine G.
Lorraine is regularly here to help our adoptions staff. Her positive presence at our adoption centers is endlessly appreciated!
By Best Friends Animal Society
"Our Best Friends" is a weekly installment to honor just a few of our outstanding Best Friends LA volunteers.  This is your chance to get to know some of the shining stars in the BestFriends LA volunteer program!  Volunteers are either nominated by Best Friends LA staff or other volunteers in our program.  If you would like to volunteer, e-mail the Best Friends LA Volunteer Department at volunteerla@bestfriends.org.
Lorraine G. - Honored May 2017
Lorraine tell us...
What BFLA programs/events/volunteer roles do you find yourself participating in? 
I feed the kittens up in Mission Hills at least once a week, but aim for twice if they need me.  Also, I enjoy being at the front desk at NKLA, where the action is.  Greeting new adopters, working closely with the incredible staff and of course meeting the adoptees is such an honor.  I have just joined the Admissions staff, working with Maria, and helping the new dogs and cats to their new home (hopefully not for long).  Will someone please adopt Star!  Also, I have passed all the tests to be one of the Transport team!
Why do you choose to volunteer with Best Friends LA?
I started by volunteering a number of times for the last 20 years at the Best Friends Sanctuary in Utah, and found that extremely rewarding.  Anyone who has not been there should go; it is a magical place. When Best Friends opened NKLA 2 blocks from my house, it was a no brainer that I was meant to be a volunteer there.  In fact I love Best Friends so much, when the new Spay and Neuter license plates came out I was first in line to order one, and it reads BSTFRD.
How long have you been a BFLA/NKLA volunteer?
At least four years, but since retirement has given me more time and energy, I have been able to be there more frequently.
What do you do when you're not volunteering? 
In my "old age" I exercise with a personal trainer at UCLA twice a week.  We have been working on getting me to stand up straight, not an easy task, and to be stronger and have more stamina.  Thus I have been able to volunteer longer at NKLA. TV has always been my "go to" daily entertainment, plus reading the New Yorker, and all the great books out there.  As long as the music groups from the 60s --> 90s are giving concerts, I will be in the audience.  You can't beat the Stones, Paul Simon, Sting, Tom Petty, The Who, Paul McCartney, the Eagles, etc.  I just attended a lecture given by Neil deGrasse Tyson at the Dolby theater.  Science has always attracted me, and the lecture was absolutely fascinating.
Do you have a favorite story to share about an experience volunteering with Best Friends LA?
I don't have just one story at Best Friends, but my favorite experiences are when I see a cat or dog go home with a person or family that has a big happy grin on their faces as they walk out the door.  The love shown toward the cat or dog is breathtaking to me, and fills me with such joy.  Crying is not an uncommon thing for me to do when I feed the kittens.  They are so small, helpless, and cute, I worry about them. It does help though to see the knowledgeable, caring staff, vets, and other volunteers take such wonderful care of the kitties.
Do you have any pets?
I have a Lab mix, Lulu, that I adopted from the Sanctuary in Utah.  She had heart worms, and for the treatment she would have to be absolutely quiet for two months.  In fact it is recommended that she be placed in a crate.  I figured the Sanctuary was too noisy and bustling, not the environment she needed for treatment, so I brought the 7 year old pup home, she had the treatment, and after 5 years she is doing great.  Two cats live with us, Cleo a Tuxedo, nothing bothers her.  She is a lap cat and loves treats.  The second puss, Maggie, or as I call her, Fuzzy Butt, is a long haired Tuxedo.  I saw her at BF in Missions Hills, wanted to adopt her, but she was on a special diet, which I couldn't handle with two other animals on board.  The next day when I was volunteering at the NKLA front desk, I went upstairs to check out the cats, and saw one that looked just like her.  Turns out it was her.  The special diet was "No treats".  I knew I could control that, and she became the third friend to join the crew. Thanks for letting me share my love of Best Friends and animals

What others are saying about Lorraine:
"Lorraine is incredible! She's so consistent with her volunteer work and so helpful with our team! It is great to regularly know she's here to assist the adoptions staff on our busiest days. Her help, great attitude and flexibility are endlessly appreciated and we're so thankful to have her! Thank you for everything Lorraine!" From: Ellyse, NKLA Adoption Specialist
"Lorraine is the best! Lorraine is someone who has endless passion for what she does and is inspiring to work with! She works incredibly hard and is almost always one of the first people to message back to a call-out for help which believe me means the world to us! Thank you Lorraine! We are so lucky to have you on our team!" From: Justin, NKLA Volunteer Coordinator
Los Angeles