Our common bond as professional advisors
At Best Friends we share your values in assisting your clients and take the same care when helping our donors plan charitable gifts to support homeless pets.
Please use the information below as you help your clients with their charitable giving plans, and feel free to contact us for more information or assistance.

Best Friends’ tax ID information
Legal name: Best Friends Animal Society
Address: 5001 Angel Canyon Road, Kanab, UT 84741
Tax ID #: 23-7147797
Best Friends Animal Society is a 501(c)(3) registered nonprofit.
Questions? Please contact us at 435-359-9227 or plannedgiving@bestfriends.org.
Leaving a legacy of kindness
Looking for more information to share with your client?
Please download our Create Your Legacy of Kindness brochure, which highlights the many tax and financial benefits of making a planned gift to Best Friends.