Sleepovers with adoptable pets

Remember when you were a child and nothing was more exciting than going to a pajama party at a friend’s house? That feeling is alive and well here at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. Our adoptable animal sleepovers are as much fun for the animals as they are for the generous volunteers who host them while visiting. If a visit to volunteer at the Sanctuary is in your plans, pack your PJs and add to your itinerary a sleepover with your favorite dog or cat. These folks (and their super sleepover guests) are glad they did.
Nuece is the nicest choice.
“Donna Lee, a wonderful volunteer I met a few weeks ago, wasn’t sure she’d be comfortable taking a dog on a sleepover, so I was thrilled when I saw that she did. Nuece was a perfect choice. He is so sweet, gentle, laid-back and easy. He just wants to be loved and to be with people. Thank you, Donna, for taking Nuece and giving him the love he deserves.”
– Terry Wyhoski, animal area volunteer coordinator
Hercules is the best guy.
“Hercules is the best guy for an overnight stay. I really love him. He’s super connected to learning and patiently waits for me to get my coat when he signals to go outside. His positive energy is his best trait. He loves to find things in boxes, retrieve tennis balls (and give them back to me), and he will go get the ball if you just ask him to find it. He truly has a huge heart and is so affectionate and wiggly, too. Oh, and he is a great CEO (Canine Extraordinaire Official). He seems to be capable of conducting small group meetings without hesitation.”
– Donna McCall, Dogtown volunteer
Rad would rather cuddle.
“It was my niece Emily’s first volunteer trip to Best Friends. She fell in love with the place and with Rad. Rad loves to play ball, but she also loves to lie in bed, get belly rubs and cuddle. She slept in Emily’s bed and stretched out against her all night. When I asked Rad if she would like to go out for a walk in the morning, she instead hugged Emily and went back to sleep. So, we let her stay in bed until the very last minute when we had to drive her back. I hope Rad finds a home with a nice big bed. She deserves one.”
– Genea Hart, Dogtown volunteer
Yuma steals covers and hearts.
“Yuma was an excellent overnight guest. She loves car rides, walks, treats and snuggling. She is the sweetest dog around. She adores people and wants to greet every person she sees. She is also an expert at sit and down cues. She may not be a puppy anymore, but she has enough love to make up for the years she missed with you. Yuma stole my heart during our visit to Best Friends. All she really wants is a home of her own and a family to love.”
– Kimberly Hughes, Dogtown volunteer
BamBam has the sweetest smile.
“BamBam was just the sweetest and happiest dog. When my husband left to go get us some dinner to bring back to the hotel, she looked for him and wondered where he went. She slept in bed with us and was perfectly well-mannered.”
– Shannon Latzke, Dogtown volunteer
Brother cats make great bedfellows.
“Brothers Bogie and Oleander are very laid-back kitties, and it is clear they like to pal around together. Bogie is the more outgoing and adventurous one and Oleander let him do the exploring first. They both love to ham it up by rolling on the floor, and they both like belly rubs. They purred a lot, and both jumped into the dresser drawer to check it out as soon as I opened it. And, both got into bed with us after a while.”
– Sherry Parshley, Cat World volunteer
Pyro can purr all night long.
“He's probably one of the most lovable cats we've ever met. He has a purr that doesn't stop and knows how to wind his way into your heart from the minute he arrives in your cabin. He liked nothing more than to sandwich himself between my husband and me and get as much attention as possible in a really sweet and endearing way.”
– Jean Schifferns-Nussbaum, Cat World volunteer
Puffet’s a perfect princess.
“I took Puffet on her second sleepover. She’s such a beauty and a sweetheart. I was staying in the Sanctuary cabins and she was the perfect guest. As soon as we walked in and I let her out of the carrier, she went right to exploring. Puffet wasn’t timid or skittish at all about her new surroundings or with me. She slept in bed with me all night and I never heard a peep out of her. I’m so happy to hear that Puffet was adopted. Congratulations to her new family. They got a great girl!”
– Suzie Seagraves, Cat World volunteer
Plan your visit to Best Friends
Photos courtesy of Shannon Latzke, Donna Lee, Donna McCall, Genea Hart, Kimberly Hughes, Sherry Parshley, Jean Schifferns Nussbaum and Suzie Seagraves