Behind the scenes at Dogtown during the COVID-19 outbreak

Since most people’s travel plans (including Sanctuary visits) are on hold right now, we want to give you a window into Dogtown and all the wonderful dogs here. Just because you cannot see these furry, smiling faces in person doesn’t mean you have to miss out on them altogether — shy dogs and confident dogs, big dogs and little ones. Some want to spend all their time playing and zipping around while others are happy to nap the day away.
We would love to tell you about every single one, but that could take a while. For now, let’s start with these nine wonderful pups.
Could anything be more fun than running around, ears flapping in the wind? Maybe Corban could answer that for you, if he could slow down for a minute. This seven-year-old loves to snuggle and spend time with his favorite people even more than he loves to run. He may be getting a little grey around the nose, but we think it only adds to his charm.
From shy and timid to an excitable guy who can’t wait to say hello, Peek-A-Boo has come a long way. He’s a fast learner for a tasty treat and perhaps even faster at making himself at home on sleepovers. As anyone who’s taken him on a sleepover or car ride can tell you, this guy is the perfect gentleman.
Taquito and Mokie
Caregiver Hanna Bruns describes Taquito and Mokie as having “kind of an annoying little brother and tolerant big brother relationship.” Taquito loves playing with other dogs and spends all day encouraging his run mates to play with him. And Mokie is happy to oblige, provided he’s not busy trying to win over someone else with his oversized adorableness.
Taquito and Mokie’s third run mate, Sosa, is a big-time water lover. Drinking, splashing, relaxing: It’s good for so many things. And when it’s time to dry off and take a break, he’s always happy to spend time with his friends — human and dog alike. Everyone is a potential friend.
Sweet Feebee is on top of the world being around people she feels comfortable with. And sometimes she’s quite literally on top of the world when she climbs up onto the platforms at the dog park. Prone to getting zoomies when she’s feeling particularly excited, it’s hard not to smile right along with her.
He’s not posing. Tiponi really does love sleeping with his teddy bear. When he’s not settling in for a good nap, he’s the go-to guy for a good hike or a game of hide-and-seek in the dog park. Tiponi knows all the best tricks and is more than happy to show them off for you.
Send some love to all the dogs of Dogtown
Photos by Megan Boemeke, Kit Rosen-Ducat and Hanna Brun