Spirited colt back to horsing around after leg injury

Warrior the horse running with mane flowing
Warrior came to Best Friends after a showdown with a water trough left him injured. Now, with TLC and a fighting spirit, he’s back to his playful antics.
By Alison Cocchiara

Warrior learned the hard way that when it comes to a kicking contest with a metal water trough, the trough always wins. The young colt arrived at Horse Haven — the area of Best Friends Animal Sanctuary where horses reside — with both back legs covered in deep lacerations. But true to his name, Warrior has been fighting through every step of recovery like a champion.

A fighting spirit

It wasn’t an easy road. His injuries required daily bandage changes, careful monitoring, plenty of rest in his stall, and even skin grafts to help close the wounds. The Horse Haven team tended to him round the clock, ensuring that every step of his healing process was as smooth as possible. And despite what had to be some uncomfortable moments, Warrior never lost his spirit. He quickly figured out that his caregivers were there to help, and before long, he was greeting them at his stall door with bright eyes and ears pricked forward, ready for his next treatment.

[The courageous journey of a quirky, resilient horse]

“We're happy with how his wounds are healing,” says Jen Reid, Horse Haven manager. “It's amazing to watch how the body can recover. He's relaxed enough now to show us his itchy spots and will even move around to get us to scratch him in just the right place.”

Plushie playtime

Of course, stall rest could have been a real challenge for an energetic young horse like Warrior, but his caregivers made sure he had plenty to do while he recovered. They gave him creative activities to keep him occupied, including a hay net and hay ball that turned mealtime into a puzzle. But Warrior’s favorite pastime? Playing with his stuffed toy, Elfie. Elfie started off as a plush companion, but he wasn’t designed to stand up to actual horseplay, which is notoriously destructive. After countless wrestling matches and not-so-gentle cuddles, Elfie has been through the wringer — and, to be honest, might need a hospital stay of his own, or worse. (RIP, Elfie).

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Now that Warrior is well on his way to healing, he’s tackling a new challenge: basic training. He’s picking up important skills, such as halter training and lifting his hooves for trims. He watches his caregivers closely, thinking through each new request, and before long, he’s got it down. “He really seems to enjoy the mental challenge,” notes Jen.

The comeback colt

With each day, Warrior grows stronger, more confident, and closer to a full recovery. He’s even made a new friend — another young colt named Jeff, who also has a knack for tussling with inanimate objects. The two have become quite the dynamic (and slightly accident-prone) duo, full of energy, curiosity, and just enough mischief to keep their caregivers on their toes. And while the water trough may have won round one, Warrior’s comeback story is far from over.

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Shelter staff can’t do it alone. Saving animals in shelters is everyone’s responsibility, and it takes support and participation from the community. No-kill is possible when we work together thoughtfully, honestly, and collaboratively.

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