Living in Kanab, Utah
Kanab, Utah, in Kane County is a quaint town, with a diverse population of approximately 4,000 people. There is a theater, a movie house, coffee shops, grocery stores, restaurants, hotels, and more.
While Kanab is growing in popularity, there is no sense of congestion, and you will find both tourists and co-workers from all over the world. It's got a small-town backdrop with many cosmopolitan cronies! There's a real sense of community among the staff at Best Friends, so don't be surprised when your dance card is more full than ever. There's a town symphony, Nights at the Gazebo, and a monthly all-ages open-mic night, where every form of expression is welcome.
There are various clubs for hiking, art, books, stargazing and bird watching. There are regular horticultural lectures, and many more activities offered by our local organizations. There are various forms of yoga and tai chi classes, and the fitness center in the heart of town offers everything from Zumba to spinning to belly dancing classes. There's even a fledgling film society.
The big city's got almost nothing on this town. Plus if you're into something, and it's not offered in Kanab, you can start your own club. Chances are there's at least 11 other people who would want to join. Texas Hold'em or bunco, anyone?
Housing in Kanab, Utah
Rentals are available, but you will want to hustle if you're considering relocating to Kanab and want to rent before making the big investment. There are creative alternatives here, such as renting a guesthouse on a larger property, but it's a good idea to start checking out the local listings during your two weeks if you're seriously considering making the transition. Your persistence will be rewarded. Here is some Kanab real estate information:
Kanab transportation. Like many small rural communities, Kanab has no public transportation, so you must have a car to get around. Anyway, you'll want your own vehicle to explore the miles of scenic landscape.
Weather in Kanab. At an elevation of 4,925 feet, Kanab just about classifies as a high-desert climate. In general, the weather is sunny and fairly moderate, with a definite change through four seasons. There is some rainfall, but it's so infrequent that you're singing in the rain! Winters bring a bit of snow, but the white stuff never lingers long because of the many sunny days. In the summer, midday gets pretty hot, but the morning and the evening hours are just about perfect with no humidity and often a lovely breeze. Southern Utah life is very appealing indeed.
Outdoor activities in Southern Utah.
It's all about the outdoors! Kanab is located in the Golden Circle of Southern Utah, which offers a breathtaking assortment of outdoor adventures for people who like to hike, bike or just tour the open roads taking in the scenery (just ask the hundreds of bikers that come through Kanab every year). It's called the Golden Circle because we're close to Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, and the north rim of the Grand Canyon. The Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, with its miles and miles of unadulterated, varied landscape is like no place else on earth. It has such dramatic scenery; there are places that you'll swear you're on the moon. But don't fret; the refreshing plunge of Lake Powell, which reminds many people of an undisclosed island in the Mediterranean, is just a few miles away. The above describes the surrounding area of Kanab, let's talk about Kanab itself. Besides being home to the Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park, it's got vast expanses of untouched BLM land just waiting to be explored. It is also home to Kanab Creek, where you can also let your dog cool off before exploring one of the hundreds of trails in and around the grounds of Best Friends. If you're looking to reconnect with the natural world, Kanab may be perfect for you.
For more information about Kanab, Utah, visit these websites:
Kanab Area Vacation Guide
Kane County Travel Center
About nearby cities
St. George, about 80 miles away, is an hour and a half drive by car. Kanab residents often go to St. George to shop. There's a Costco, a WalMart, several health-food stores, and assorted malls and shopping centers, including a collection of outlet stores.
Cedar City, also about 80 miles away, has the wonderful Utah Shakespearean Festival, winner of a Tony award, with its replica of an Elizabethan theater. Cedar City also hosts the Utah Summer Games, an Olympics-style sports festival for athletes of all ages and abilities that is open to Utah residents.
Las Vegas, with all of its many diversions, is three and a half hours away, and Salt Lake City, a growing cosmopolitan city, is a six-hour drive.
About the Best Friends Community
We are always seeking the best diverse talent to further our mission. Staff frequently comment on how meaningful this work is over their old corporate life style; what a joy it was to trade in their heels or loafers for sandals and hiking boots. It's business casual Friday here everyday.
Best Friends is as much a community for its staff as it is a sanctuary for animals. It's a unique place - our staff come from many different parts of the country and many walks of life. Many of us have little or no family in the area, so we come to rely on each other. Of course, there is an automatic bond among us because of our common purpose and love of animals.
What else is unique about Best Friends? Well, there aren't many office environments where dogs and cats can come to work. The rule at Best Friends is that as long as your pets get along with everyone else's pets, they are welcome.
Also, lots of companies have a variety of departments, but how many can boast that they have a place for old dogs (called Old Friends), a room for special-needs cats (called the Incontinental Suite) and a haven for horses and other farm animals (called Horse Haven)? Plus, these and many other departments are spread throughout a scenic desert setting called Angel Canyon, hallowed ground to many that visit here. You can hike, explore Anasazi ruins, sit by the underground lake and contemplate the meaning of life, or just run with your dogs, all near where you work and live.
If you are considering seeking employment at Best Friends, we look forward to hearing from you.