Thank you for choosing to adopt!
The animal you've selected is at the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in beautiful Kanab, Utah, and we'd love for you to come visit to adopt one of our amazing animals.
If you are planning to visit us in Kanab in the next week, then please get started by completing our quick adoption matchmaking survey and one of our friendly adoption specialists will be in touch with you within 72 hours. If you are not able to visit within the next week, we ask that you wait to submit your survey until you are ready for a visit.
Fill out a survey to get started
If travel to southern Utah is not a possibility for you at this time, please check out animals in need of a loving home closer to you from one of our other Lifesaving Centers or Network Partners.
Find a pet to adopt a near you »
We appreciate your patience as we receive a large number of surveys and we will work to answer yours as quickly as possible.
Visiting the Sanctuary
Anyone who visits the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary will tell you: There's just something special about this place. On any given day, up to 1,600 animals call Best Friends Animal Sanctuary a home-between-homes - each and every one seeking a safe haven where they can find refuge, love and acceptance.
When you're ready to come visit, you can book lodging, schedule a free Sanctuary tour, browse all the available animals, and find out everything the Sanctuary has to offer on our website:
Please note that our Sanctuary population is constantly changing as animals are adopted and new animals arrive, so we cannot guarantee the future availability of any animal in our care. As a Sanctuary, many of our residents have special medical or behavioral needs that may not be the best fit for every family, but our adoption specialists will work with you to find a great match.
We can't wait to meet you and help you make a love connection with one of our wonderful animals waiting for a home of their own. If you have already submitted your matchmaking survey, look out for an email response from one of our adoption specialists!