Female Domestic Shorthair named Deb available for adoption

Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female
  • Adoptable Female Female


Sanctuary (Kanab)
Looks like
Domestic Shorthair
Estimated Birthdate

Meet our chatty senior tabby, affectionately named Deb This seasoned feline has a wealth of stories to share and loves engaging in lively conversations. Deb is not your average quiet companion-she's a talkative and expressive feline who adds a delightful touch of vocal charm to your home.

With her years of wisdom and a charming tabby coat, Deb is ready to become the heart and soul of a loving home. She enjoys both sharing her thoughts and being a devoted listener, making her the perfect companion for those who appreciate the art of conversation.

If you're looking for a senior tabby with a penchant for chatting and a heart full of warmth, Deb might be the ideal addition to your family. Bring this delightful conversationalist into your home, and let Deb fill your days with the joyous sound of her affectionate meows and purrs. Contact us today to meet Deb and discover the special connection that comes with welcoming a talkative senior cat into your life.