A message from Francis Battista
Thank you for your dedication to, and support for, the animals. All of the progress shown in this report is because of you.
For every dog or cat who walks out of a shelter and into a better future, we have you to thank.
Everything we do together — from bringing veterinary services to the Navajo Nation, to whisking animals out of the path of a hurricane, to supporting shelters in their lifesaving efforts — brings us closer to our goal of no-kill nationwide by 2025.
As the next generation of no-kill leaders assumes responsibility for fulfilling the mission of no more homeless pets, we will continue to honor the legacies of co-founders like Claire, Faith, Celeste, and Charity.
Your support remains critical to giving our animal companions the love, care, and second chances they deserve. Once again, thank you for everything you do to create a better world through kindness to animals.
Together, we will Save Them All.
Francis Battista
Co-founder, Best Friends Animal Society