Our "Best Friend" Honored Volunteer

Wendy, a Best Friends in LA volunteer, with a dog
Wendy N. is a dogsitter by trade and volunteers her free time to homeless cats.
By Best Friends Animal Society
 "Our Best Friends" is a weekly installment to honor just a few of our outstanding Best Friends LA volunteers. This is your chance to get to know some of the shining stars in the Best Friends LA volunteer program! Volunteers are either nominated by Best Friends LA staff or other volunteers in our program. If you would like to volunteer, e-mail the Best Friends LA Volunteer Department at volunteerLA@bestfriends.org
Wendy N. - honored November 24, 2014
Wendy, tell us.....
What programs and projects do you volunteer with at Best Friends LA?
I spend most of my time with the cats over at Pet Food Express in Pasadena. Dogs are actually my first love but I know if I spend time with them I'll end up having to move to a farm so I can adopt them all. I love the cats too... I just don't need them all personally!  
Why do you choose to volunteer with Best Friends LA?
I volunteer with PAWS/LA which is a wonderful organization but I was looking to spend time with a group that does adoptions. When Best Friends opened up their adoptions at Pet Food Express it took away my "It's too far" complaint. 
How long have you been a Best Friends LA volunteer?
Under a year but I’m so happy I have done it.

What type of fun stuff do you do when you're not volunteering? 
I'm a dogsitter by trade -- www.dogvacay.com/pro/wendyandriggins. My day is spent hiking, napping, and playing... just like the dogs. I also LOVE going to human only exercise class at Bar Method Pasadena.

Do you have a favorite story to share about an experience volunteering with Best Friends LA? 
I don't have one story. I love when I'm doing paperwork at PFE and one of the kitties rubs up against me. It's a little moment that makes me smile.

Do you have any pets?
I do ... Riggins. He is 1/2 German Shorthair Pointer and 1/2 Samoyed and is the bestest dog in all the world. Riggins has gotten me through some very tough times and the love I have for him can't be measured.  
What others are saying about Wendy:
“Wendy is such a wonderful volunteer to have! She’s always so helpful and is really dedicated to helping the animals. Not to mention she’s so great with the other volunteers and is a great mentor for them. Thank you Wendy, we’re lucky to have you!” – The Pet Food Express Team
Los Angeles