Piggy party time photos: National Pig Day is coming

March 1 is National Pig Day, a day devoted entirely to celebrating our piggy pals. Enjoy some cute pictures of pigs to commemorate this special day.
By Jennifer Hayes

Need a cure for the Monday blues? Our photo feature is here to help provide a brief diversion from your workday routine with a small dose of squee, wow and aww. Enjoy!

From the moment a child first reads Charlotte’s Web or sees the movie, a love for pigs is instantly born. One can’t help but fall for “some pig” Wilbur. Let that inner enchantment out because it’s the pigs’ time to shine with a day of their own.

When is National Pig Day? Every year March 1 is the day set aside to celebrate all things pig: their intelligence, charm and suitability as pets. So take some time to enjoy cute pig pictures and embrace the pig ― from their adorable oink to the tip of their curly tails. Who knows? You may wish to open your heart and home, because everyone pictured is available for adoption.

Napoleon is available for adoption.
Napoleon is available for adoption.


Ella is available for adoption.
Wait, isn’t every day pig day?
Ella is available for adoption.

Jared is available for adoption.
Welcome to my humble abode.
Jared is available for adoption.


Kennedy is available for adoption.
For my next magic trick, I’m going to make a fig newton disappear!
Kennedy is available for adoption.

Molly is available for adoption.
Ohhhh, that’s the spot.
Molly is available for adoption.

Roxy is available for adoption.
What? I’ve got a little something on my nose?
Roxy is available for adoption.

Sullivan Smalls is available for adoption.
If I fits, I sits. Find your own mud puddle.
Sullivan Smalls is available for adoption.

Learn about pigs as pets

Photos by Best Friends staff
