Preparing for Your Foster Kittens If you're planning to foster kittens, learn about the supplies you'll need — plus how to kitten-proof your home. Image
What Is a Feral or Stray Cat? Feral cats are cats who live outdoors and avoid human contact. They can still be helped by being spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and fed. Image
What Is a Working Cat? What makes a cat a working cat? Learn about barn cats, bodega cats, ship cats, warehouse cats, brewery cats, and more. Image
Lifesaving by the Numbers: Animal Welfare Statistics In 2016, when Best Friends announced the goal to lead the country to no-kill in 2025, one of the first tasks was to get a handle on the size of the problem and to elimina... Image
Why Is My Cat Not Using the Litter Box? Part 2: Box Setup Issues One reason a cat may not be the litter box is because they’re unhappy with the box itself. Image
Why Is My Cat Not Using the Litter Box? Part 1: Medical Issues When your cat doesn’t use their litter box, they’re trying to tell you something is wrong in their life, and it's up to you to figure it out. Image
Video: How to Pet a Cat Every cat is unique in how and where they’d like you to pet them. Learn how to pet a cat the right way. Image
What Do Cat Slow Blinks Mean? A lot of memes show the squinty-eye cat face as cats being mean or judgy, but it’s quite the opposite. Learn all about cat slow blinks. Image
Are Ginger Cats More Friendly? Orange Cat Facts It’s no secret we love orange here at Best Friends Animal Society — orange cats included. Image
How to Teach Your Cat to Go in Their Carrier Here are the steps to getting your cat to go in their carrier and love it in there. Image
Are Black Cats Bad Luck? Black Cat Facts Black cats are good luck, so it's a great day to foster or adopt a black cat in need of a home. Image
Ways to Celebrate International Cat Day In honor of all the wonderful cats around the world, it's a great day to increase enrichment for your cat, pamper them with their favorite things, and help cats who don’t... Image
Tips for Fostering Mama Cats and Their Kittens You act as a mama cat’s friend and co-worker in raising kittens, monitoring their weight and health and giving them lots of love. Image
How to Get Cat Pee Out of Furniture and Carpet If your cat has an accident, we hope these tips help relieve the smell as well as some of your stress. Image
Why Cats Loaf Please enjoy more than 30 cute examples of cat loafing as well as the reasons why cats sit in this adorable way. Image
Learn the Different Options for Fostering Kittens Did you know that it’s possible to choose the age of kittens you foster to fit with your schedule and comfort level? Image