Pet Behavior Help: Trainers, Behaviorists, and Vets How do you deal with pet behavioral issues? Need professional pet behavior help? Learn what pet behaviorists, trainers, and vets can do. Image
Using Food Puzzles for Dogs, Cats, and Other Pets Are food puzzles good for dogs, cats, and other pets? What do you put in a food puzzle? Learn about using puzzle toys for mental and physical stimulation, and get DIY foo... Image
Clipping Bird Wings: What to Know About Wing Trims Should you clip your bird's wings? Learn about the pros and cons of wing trims for pet birds. Image
A Guide to Clicker Training Pets Clicker training dogs, cats, and other pets is a fun and effective way to communicate. Learn the basics of how to use clicker training. Image
Bird Handling Techniques: How to Hold a Bird How do you teach a bird to step up? What does a bird's body language mean? Learn tips for bird handling and how to hold a bird. Image
How to Bird-Proof Your Home to Keep Pet Birds Safe To keep pet birds safe and stop your birds from escaping, you'll need to learn how to bird-proof your home. There are many household hazards for pet birds. Image
How to Pick Safe Bird Toys Safe bird toys are a must for pet birds to get exercise and mental stimulation. Here's how to pick safe bird toys for enrichment and fun. Image
Bird Training: Understanding the Basics To help our pet birds live healthy and happy lives in our environments, bird training is key. Here are some tips for how to train your bird. Image
Parrot Adoption: What to Expect Parrot adoption is a big step. Here are considerations before adopting a bird, including parrot behavior, bird care, and adopting instead of buying. Image