How To Train Your New Dog: Get the Basics Video demonstrating everything you need to know to begin training the basics to your newly adopted dog. Image
How to Help Dogs Adapt to a Busier Lifestyle If your dog isn't used to lots of social interaction and adventure, check out these tips to help them comfortably adapt. Image
How to Prepare Pets for Your Return to Work If you're set to return to work after some time at home, your cat or dog will likely need to adjust to the new routine. Here's how to help them. Image
How to Teach a Dog to Trade Teaching a dog to trade a low-value item for a high-value item can help with resource guarding. Here are steps to teach your dog to drop and trade items. Image
How to Stop Dog Mouthing Dog mouthing (aka mock or play biting) with people can get too rough. To discourage a dog from mouthing, follow these steps. Image
What to Expect With a New Puppy If you're thinking about bringing home a new puppy, here are a few things to consider first. Image
Pica in Dogs: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment Pica in dogs is a condition in which a dog eats non-food items. How do you know if your dog has pica and how do you treat pica in dogs? Here's what to know. Image
Kids and Pets: Families with Children Adopting a Dog, Cat or Other Animal Do kids and pets mix well? Parents' commitment to making a household with children and pets work is critical. Image
Pet Behavior Help: Trainers, Behaviorists, and Vets How do you deal with pet behavioral issues? Need professional pet behavior help? Learn what pet behaviorists, trainers, and vets can do. Image
How to Help a Dog Sensitive to Touch Is your dog sensitive to touch? You can help your dog learn to enjoy being handled by teaching positive associations with touch. Image
How to Approach a Shy, Nervous, or Scared Dog Learn the signs of fear in dogs and how to approach a shy, nervous, or scared dog safely. Image
How to Socialize a Dog Socialization helps dogs become comfortable in different situations with people and other animals. Here are some helpful tips for how to socialize a dog. Image
Dog Marking and Peeing in the House: Causes and How to Stop It Dog marking and peeing in the house is a territorial behavior. Here are some potential causes and how to stop it. Image
Tips for Taking a Dog in Public Taking your dog in public should be a positive experience for everyone: you, your dog, and those around you. Learn tips to make that possible. Image
Dog Counter Surfing: Prevention and Deterrents Does your dog jump up on the counter when you aren't looking to steal food? Here are effective deterrents for dog counter surfing. Image
How to Stop Destructive Dog Chewing Chewing is a natural and healthy dog instinct. However, our canine pals don’t always chew on appropriate things. Here’s how to stop destructive dog chewing. Image