Best Friends initiatives. Best Friends has three lifesaving initiatives that were launched to help Save Them All:
- Community cat initiatives: Promoting TNVR for community (stray, free-roaming) cats and keeping them safe and out of shelters.
- Puppy mill initiatives: Educating the public about the connection between puppy mills and pet stores, helping to ban the sale of dogs and cats in pet stores and encouraging adoption.
- Pit bull terrier initiatives: Challenging breed restrictions and making sure that all dogs are treated as individuals.
Best Friends Network. This Best Friends program comprises nonprofit rescue groups, spay/neuter organizations and shelters that are actively saving lives and reducing the number of animals being killed in their communities. The program offers network partners many benefits, including grants, fundraising opportunities, adoption promotions, discounts to conferences and consultations with Best Friends staff.
Regional programs. Best Friends is expanding across the country, with regional centers now established in Utah, Los Angeles, New York City, and Northwest Arkansas. Collaborating with shelters, rescue groups and other animal welfare organizations in these areas, Best Friends focuses on helping to Save Them All by reducing the number of animals entering shelters and increasing the number of animals leaving shelters alive.
NKLA (No-Kill Los Angeles). Launched by Best Friends in April 2012, the NKLA initiative aims to make Los Angeles a no-kill city. The NKLA Coalition, led by Best Friends, comprises more than 100 animal welfare organizations working together toward that goal. Residents of Los Angeles are encouraged to help turn L.A. into NKLA by adopting, fostering, volunteering, and spaying or neutering their pets.
NKUT (No-Kill Utah). In 2014, Best Friends launched the NKUT initiative as the final push to end the killing of pets in Utah shelters for good. NKUT is possible because of the dedicated individuals, city shelters and dozens of animal welfare organizations that make up the NKUT Coalition.
Best Friends National Conference. With the goal of motivating people to save more animal lives and giving them the tools to do so, Best Friends has been holding national conferences since 2001. Formerly called the No More Homeless Pets Conference, the Best Friends National Conference brings together leaders of the no-kill movement; experts in animal care and behavior, marketing, fundraising and other fields; staff and volunteers from shelters and rescue groups; and animal lovers who want to make a difference.
Resources and consulting services. Free information on pet care and behavior, as well as how-to guides for humane groups and individuals who want to get involved in helping animals, are available at In addition, Best Friends staff members provide free consulting services for our Best Friends Network partners.