Caring for cats in your community
Nearly 70% of the animals being killed in shelters are cats. Of those, most are stray cats, or as we like to call them, community cats.
The goal of Best Friends' cat initiatives is to keep cats safe and out of shelters. The most humane and effective way to do that, as well as to control the number of community cats, is with trap-neuter-vaccinate return (TNVR) programs.
Making a difference for community cats
When you care for community cats through trap-neuter-vaccinate-return, you’re making a world of difference for both the cats and your community.

Taking care of community cats
Caring people like you help to ensure that community cats throughout the United States receive food, water, shelter and (where practical) veterinary care.
Our volunteers in Salt Lake City and Houston make our community cat programs possible. To volunteer with one of these programs, sign up today:
Looking for more ways to help?
Here are some more ways to help cats in communities near you.
Creating a caregiver contingency plan
Even the best community cat care plan isn’t useful if you’re the only one who knows about it.
Questions about public policy and community cats?
Community cat programs are better for cats and better for communities, but sometimes they can be challenged by opponents.
Navigating community opposition »