Why Is My Cat Not Using the Litter Box? Part 2: Box Setup Issues One reason a cat may not be the litter box is because they’re unhappy with the box itself. Image
Why Is My Cat Not Using the Litter Box? Part 1: Medical Issues When your cat doesn’t use their litter box, they’re trying to tell you something is wrong in their life, and it's up to you to figure it out. Image
Video: How to Pet a Cat Every cat is unique in how and where they’d like you to pet them. Learn how to pet a cat the right way. Image
How to Teach Your Cat to Go in Their Carrier Here are the steps to getting your cat to go in their carrier and love it in there. Image
How to Get Cat Pee Out of Furniture and Carpet If your cat has an accident, we hope these tips help relieve the smell as well as some of your stress. Image
How to Show Your Cat You Love Them Ways to show cats we love them include giving them choices and by playing with them. Image
How to Have a Cat-Friendly Home When we see cats doing things that seem undesirable to us, such as scratching, chewing, and biting, we must remember that these are instinctive behaviors that cats have t... Image
Video: Introducing Cats to Other Cats We want everything to go as smoothly as possible when you bring your newly adopted cats home, so here are some tips on introducing a new cat to a home with resident cats. Image
Why Adopting Kittens in Pairs Is a Good Idea Believe it or not, adopting two kittens makes life easier than adopting just one! Image
How to Get Your Cat to Use the Litter Box How do you get your cat to use the litter box? Here are tips to set your cat up for success and avoid litter box problems. Image
How to Help a Cat With Separation Anxiety Learn how to help cat separation anxiety with tips from Best Friends Animal Society's cat behavior expert. Image
How to Read Cat Body Language and Emotions How do you tell if a cat likes you? Learn how to read cat body language and emotions with this easy guide on feline communication. Image
How Do I Help My Cat Who's Afraid of Noises? Is your cat sensitive to noises like the vacuum, doorbell, or phone? Here are tips for helping cats to be less afraid of noises using behavior modification. Image
How to Find a Lost Cat: Tips From a Pet Detective Dealing with a missing cat can be nerve-racking. Learn tips from a professional pet detective for how to find a lost cat and bring your kitty back home. Image
Cat Behavior Problems? These Resources Can Help Are you dealing with cat behavior problems? Learn tips to find a certified cat behavior consultant, cat products that can help with feline behavior, and more. Image