Pet Potbellied Pigs: Behavior and Socialization How do pigs get along with dogs, cats, other pets, other pigs, and people? Learn about pet potbellied pig relationships, dominance behavior, and herd dynamics. Image
Pica in Dogs: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment Pica in dogs is a condition in which a dog eats non-food items. How do you know if your dog has pica and how do you treat pica in dogs? Here's what to know. Image
Light for Birds: Sunlight vs. Full-Spectrum Bulbs What kind of light do birds need? Learn about lighting requirements for pet birds, including sunlight recommendations and full-spectrum light bulbs. Image
Pet Bird Baths and Humidity Levels Do pet birds need baths? What's a good humidity level for birds? Learn what your feathered friend needs. Image
Overweight Dogs and Cats: Pet Obesity Risks Overweight pets are at increased risk of diabetes, pancreatitis and joint problems. Diet, exercise and maintaining a healthy weight is important. Image
Cat and Dog Arthritis: Integrative Treatment Options Besides medication, learn about integrative treatment options for cat and dog arthritis, including diet changes, supplements, and physical therapy. Image
The Best Parrot Diet (and Toxic Foods to Avoid) Learn about the best parrot diet to feed your pet birds to keep them healthy — plus toxic foods that aren't safe for birds. Image
Cat Ringworm: Signs, Spread, Diagnosis, Treatment How do you know if your cat has ringworm? Learn about the symptoms, how ringworm is passed, and ringworm treatments. Image
How to Express a Cat's Bladder If you're caring for an incontinent cat, you might need to learn how to express a cat bladder. Here are some tips and step-by-step instructions, though you should always ... Image
How Often to Vaccinate Dogs and Cats Learn about the different vaccines for dogs and cats, as well as how often you should vaccinate your dog or cat. Image
Pet Rabbit Body Language and Bunny Behavior What can pet rabbit body language tell you? Learn about bunny behavior and body language, including thumping, flopping, and nipping. Image
FIV in Cats: Feline Immunodeficiency Virus FAQs What is FIV in cats? Learn about the signs and symptoms, causes and transmission, diagnosis and treatment of feline immunodeficiency virus. Image
Degenerative Myelopathy in Dogs: Signs, Stages, Treatment Degenerative myelopathy in dogs is a disease that affects the spinal cord. Learn about degenerative myelopathy signs, stages, and potential treatments. Image
Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) in Cats: Causes, Treatments Upper respiratory infection (URI) in cats is common but can be tricky to treat. Learn about the potential causes and treatment options for cat URIs. Image
Outdoor Catio Ideas: What You Need to Know Catteries and catios provide a safe way for cats to enjoy time outdoors. Get outdoor catio ideas and info about building them. Image
Cat Hair Loss: Causes and Treatment Cat hair loss has many causes: ringworm, parasites, allergies, excessive grooming. Learn more about why your cat has a bald spot and how to treat cat hair loss. Image