Dog Breed Restrictions by Insurance Companies
All dogs are individuals, yet homeowners and renters insurance companies are currently allowed to drop coverage, deny coverage, and/or charge a higher premium based solely on a pet's appearance — regardless of that pet’s actual behavior.
The broad range of pets impacted by outdated insurance company standards includes Great Danes, American Staffordshire terriers, Doberman pinschers, Rottweilers, huskies, and malamutes, plus any dog believed to be mixed with any of these breeds.
Having a certain type of dog should not prevent otherwise responsible consumers from finding and keeping affordable homeowners or renters insurance for their families.
Creating safe communities is a priority for all of us
Everyone — both people and pets — benefits from safe communities. Rather than pass laws that punish innocent pets for being born a certain breed and their responsible owners, our communities should hold reckless owners accountable for dogs who are dangerous. And efforts to protect community members from dangerous dogs are a key component of any public safety plan.
Individual accountability is the only effective approach to protecting both people and pets. When it comes to enforcing dangerous dog laws, our focus should be on negligent and reckless owners, not the breed of the pet.
End Breed Restrictions by Insurance Companies
Take action to stop breed restrictions
Sign the petition urging your state's insurance commission to protect consumers and focus on the behavior of the dog.
Breed Restrictions in the Insurance Industry
This white paper discusses the breed restriction impact of the insurance industry's use of dog breed lists to deny homeowner and renters insurance coverage and renewals, create policy exclusions, and place limitations on coverage. Download the whitepaper.
A Model Act is Needed for Uniformity
Eleven states have either passed or have legislation pending regarding homeowners insurance and dog breeds. Twenty two States have banned breed-specific legislation. Download this flyer to learn more.
Pit Bull Ban a Waste of Taxpayer Dollars
This article by the Platte Institute discusses how pit bull bans affect responsible owners who have raised their pets as family members. Negligent owners who are attracted to pit bulls because of their negative reputation and who use them as status symbols or for fighting will not be influenced by the law.
American Bar Association resolution
The American Bar Association’s House of Delegates passed a resolution in 2012 urging all state, territorial, and local legislative bodies and governmental agencies to adopt comprehensive breed-neutral dangerous dog/reckless owner laws that ensure due process protections for owners, encourage responsible pet ownership, and focus on the behavior of both dog owners and dogs. The resolution also urges the repeal of any breed-specific legislation or provisions.
National Black Caucus of State Legislators resolution
In 2021, the National Black Caucus of State Legislators (NBCSL) adopted a resolution which demanded that all states implement legislation preempting breed-specific legislation from local governments, government agencies, and quasi-governmental organizations. The organization vehemently opposes breed-specific legislation, including policies that pertain to particular dog breeds or dog breed combinations, on the grounds that they are inherently discriminatory.
The National Council of Insurance Legislators passed the “Dog Breed Insurance Underwriting Protection Model Act” in 2022. The Act restricts the use of dog breed as a factor in underwriting for homeowners and rental policies. The Model establishes that no insurer can refuse to issue, cancel, renew, or increase a premium or rate for a policy of insurance based solely on the specific breed or mixture of breeds of a dog that is harbored or owned on an applicable property.
Dog Breed-Neutral Laws for Safe Communities
Effective laws address the behavior of dog owners and the resulting behavior of their individual dogs and put regulations in place to restrict and restrain any dangerous dog.