Preparing for Your Foster Kittens If you're planning to foster kittens, learn about the supplies you'll need — plus how to kitten-proof your home. Image
25 Ways to Help Save Them All Are you looking for more ways to help save homeless dogs and cats? Check out these options. Image
Tips for Fostering Mama Cats and Their Kittens You act as a mama cat’s friend and co-worker in raising kittens, monitoring their weight and health and giving them lots of love. Image
Learn the Different Options for Fostering Kittens Did you know that it’s possible to choose the age of kittens you foster to fit with your schedule and comfort level? Image
Video: Fostering Bottle-Baby Kittens Is Fun Bottle-baby kitten fostering is a heartwarming and magical experience! Image
Kitten development and what you can do Time and effort are required to properly socialize kittens. Image
Fostering moms and kittens Mother cats need to be in a calm environment so that they can be stress-free and feel like they are keeping their kittens safe. Image
Fostering bottle babies This resource provides instructions for caring for bottle-feeding kittens (“bottle babies”) – very young kittens who have been abandoned or orphaned. Image
Keeping Your Pets Safe When You Foster How do you keep your pets safe when you foster a dog, cat, puppy, or kitten? Learn how to reduce the risk of disease transmission and stress. Image
Pet Profiles: How to Write a Pet Adoption Bio Learn how to write winning pet profiles and/or adoption bios for dogs, cats, and other animals to advertise them to individuals, shelters, and rescue groups. Image
Cat, Dog, and Other Pet Fostering FAQs Are you interested in fostering a dog, cat, or other pet? Get answers to all of your pet fostering questions with these FAQs. Image
Military Pet Fostering and Rehoming Resources Find tips for military families with pets on fostering, rehoming, and other placement options. Image
Animal Caretaker Burnout Burnout is one of the most challenging aspects of animal caretaker working conditions. Self-nurturing is the key to handling weariness. Image
12 Ways to Help Animal Shelters Want to help animal shelters save more dogs and cats? Here are 12 effective ways to help homeless pets. Image
Dog Foster Care Manual This dog foster care resource is for people new to fostering. Animal shelters and rescue groups can tailor it for their own purposes. Image