Volunteer Spotlight: Sarah and Ben

By Best Friends Animal Society

This month’s featured volunteer is a dynamic duo, a power team of mother and son! Ben & Sarah come regularly for our Cat Care shifts and are so loving and dedicated to the cats.

You’ll love this story from Sarah, about how they got started volunteering here: “When Ben was 10 we went to find out about volunteering. He was disappointed to learn that he needed to be 12 to help out. As time went on I wondered if he had forgotten about it, but then several months before his 12th birthday he started talking about it and getting excited. When he finally turned 12 he pestered me until I signed up to volunteer. Don’t get me wrong, I love animals and love helping at Best Friends, but life is crazy and I might still be waiting for just the right time to sign up if it weren’t for this wonderful kid and his big heart. I couldn’t be more proud of him and we are so happy to be able to be part of such a great organization and noble cause.”

Thank you so much, Sarah and Ben, for all you do for us!

BFAS: What is your favorite part about volunteering?
BM: Snuggling the kitties, little and big.
SM: I love the warm feeling I get knowing I am doing a little part to help make the lives of animals better...and of course, snuggling the kitties. :)

BFAS: Do you have any pets at home?
BM: Yes, but not enough!
SM: We have two dogs, two hamsters, a tortoise and a fish! (All adopted except one of the hamsters. And yes, we have enough!)

BFAS: Do you have a favorite adoption story?
BM & SM: I think we both agree that we fall in love on a regular basis and are always happy to know that if they aren’t there the next time we go that they were super lucky to have hopefully found their forever home. One kitty that stands out is Gracie because she was at the adoption center for so long. Last time we volunteered we found out that she had been adopted and we were so excited for her!

BFAS: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
BM: It’s hard to decide between the mountains and the city. Probably somewhere close to Alta...at least in the winter.
SM: While I definitely love Utah and have lots of family here I couldn’t leave behind, somewhere warm and near the ocean sounds wonderful! BFAS: Aside from cats and dogs, do you have any other favorite animals? BM: Sloths. SM: I don’t think there are any I don’t like. :)

BFAS: What is one piece of advice you have for other volunteers?
BM: It’s lots of fun, but If I get tired I remember that I’m helping the animals and that makes it easier.
SM: I would just say don’t wait to sign up! It’s so fun and rewarding and you’ll be so glad you did.