StoriesAll Stories Features Julie's Blog Videos Magazine Community Voices Image Woman encourages people to donate to help animals Woman raises money for the animals and delivers the donation in person to the Sanctuary. She and her hubby also adopt two cats! Feature Image Shih Tzus in need come to Best Friends Two purebred Shih Tzus come to the Sanctuary for help and to look for a forever home. Purebred dogs are available from animals shelters. Feature Image Abandoned sandhill crane rescued Various rescue groups step in to help a sandhill crane who was left behind by her flock. Feature Image Trading cats with Animal Friends Rescue Project Best Friends swaps cats with Animal Friends Rescue Project, so the felines can have a better chance of finding forever homes. Feature Pagination Previous page First page 1 … Page 307 Page 308 Page 309 Page 310 Page 311 Last page 312