Sam Walton’s true companion and friend, Ol’ Roy, was a tri-colored setter. While these setters are traditionally one of the most sought-after dogs in the sport of hunting, no one told Ol’ Roy that! He preferred to chase errant tennis balls rather than quail.
What Ol’ Roy lacked in sporting ability he made up for in loyalty. The devotion, faithfulness, and affection Ol’ Roy showed for his best friend Sam — and the entire Walton family — is legendary. And they loved him wholeheartedly in return.
The sculpture of Ol’ Roy represents this love and Walmart’s compassion for pets in general. Pets give us so much. They dote on their families and get a special look in their eyes when they know someone needs a moment of love. Petting them reduces people’s blood pressure. Taking care of our best friends is priceless — to us and to our pets.
Not everyone is lucky enough to have a friend like Ol’ Roy. But there are thousands of loyal and loving dogs waiting for homes of their own. If adopting one isn’t an option, people can visit with pets at shelters and contribute to Best Friends and similar resource centers that take care of them.