Help keep pets and families together
Success: Florida Senate Bill 942 signed into law!
On June 16 2023, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed SB 942 into law. This legislation will prevent local governments and public housing authorities from adopting ordinances or policies designating a dog as dangerous based solely on its breed, weight, or size. The new law takes effect October 1, 2023, ending current breed bans in Miami-Dade County and Sunrise, Florida along the way. Thank you to all the advocates who took action on this important effort!

Ask your Florida legislators to support HB 941 / SB 942.
Currently, a variety of dog breeds are restricted in public housing, making it difficult for families with pets to find stable housing during an already-difficult affordable housing crisis.
Breed/size restrictions use government funds to force families to either surrender their pets to animal shelters (at a cost to taxpayers) or choose potentially unsafe or unstable housing.
House Bill 941 / Senate Bill 942 would end breed and size restrictions in government-funded housing, helping families with pets stay together.