
Help end dog breed prohibition in Kentucky

smiling white pit-bull-terrier-like dog being pet

Ask your state legislators to support Senate Bill 82.

Currently, local governments in Kentucky can infringe on the rights of pet owners by banning or restricting any breed of dog they choose - at any time.

We all want safe and humane communities, but targeting breeds is the wrong approach. What's needed is consistent and breed-neutral dangerous dog laws that focus on the behavior of individual dogs and the behavior of their owners.

Dangerous dogs and reckless owners should be held accountable, regardless of breed. The American Bar Association, the National Animal Control Association, and the American Veterinary Medical Association all agree. 

Kentucky Senate Bill 82 will stop municipalities from enacting breed-specific dog bans, promoting public safety and protecting responsible pet owners' rights to own and care for any breed of dog they choose.

Please contact your state legislators today and urge them to pass this important legislation. Automated email, phone, and Twitter options are provided for your convenience.

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