How to Teach a Dog 'Off' Use this step-by-step guide to teach your dog the "off" command. This dog training cue can be used to get a dog off furniture and more. Image
How to Teach a Dog 'Go to Your Place' Teaching a dog to go to a specific place and wait is helpful in situations like when the doorbell rings. This guide outlines how to teach this dog training cue. Image
How to Teach a Dog to Come Teaching a dog to come when called can keep them safe in dangerous and unexpected situations. Here's a step-by-step guide to teach a dog to come. Image
How to Teach a Dog to 'Back Up' Learn step-by-step instructions and tips for how to teach a dog to back up. Walking backward doesn't come naturally to dogs, but it can be taught. Image
Top 5 Basic Dog Commands Learn how to teach five basic dog training commands using small food treats as rewards. Image
How to Teach a Dog to Sit in 3 Easy Steps Teaching a dog to sit is an essential basic dog training cue. Learn how to teach a dog to sit in just three easy steps. Image
How to Introduce Cats to Dogs Get step-by-step instructions and tips for how to successfully introduce a cat and dog, ensuring that all pets are safe and calm in the process. Image
How to Stop Dog Submissive Urination and Excited Peeing Learn how to stop dog submissive urination or excited peeing, and check out tips on cleaning up pee with an enzymatic cleaner. Image
Shelter Dog Won't Go Back in Run Shelter dog won't go back in run? After being out, the dog puts on his brakes. You try to pull him, and he starts to growl. What to do? Image
Shelter Dog Socialization and Dog Introductions Dogs are naturally social animals, but not all have necessary social skills. Here are instructions for rescue dog socialization. Image
How to Manage Dog Leash Reactivity Learn how to manage dog leash reactivity with step-by-step dog training instructions. Image
Promises to My Dog Here are 12 'promises to my dog' that you make when you bring a dog into your life. Life with a dog is a joyful commitment. Image
Dog Muzzles: How and Why to Use Them A dog muzzle can be a helpful tool to keep everyone safe while you’re working to improve a dog’s social skills or manage aggressive tendencies. Image
Managing Barrier Reactivity Some dogs behave aggressively when behind a fence. They may bark, growl and lunge. Learn prevention and counter-conditioning strategies. Image
'Look at That' (LAT) Training for Reactive Dogs Teaching a dog to look at you is especially helpful for reactive dogs and can help all dogs in scary or exciting situations when they are distracted. Follow this step-by-... Image
How to Teach a Dog to Speak and Be Quiet To teach a dog to speak, it is usually best to teach the dog the 'quiet' cue first. Here's how. Image