StoriesAll Stories Features Julie's Blog Videos Magazine Community Voices Image Rescued puppy mill breeder beagle Despite challenges, Mabel the beagle who was rescued from life as a breeder dog in a Virginia puppy mill is thriving in her new home in New Jersey. Feature Image Little Red the Vicktory dog in training Little Red, who was rescued in the NFL player Michael Vick dog fighting bust, and the other Vicktory dogs get training in how to patiently wait. Feature Image Trapping and releasing hummingbirds Sometimes hummingbirds fly in with the dogs. Wildlife rehabilitators have to catch and then release them, though it is more complicated than this. Feature Image Dogs sprayed by skunk and the challenge of getting the smell out of their fur What works to get the smell of skunk off of dogs? Best Friends has a solution that helped two stray dogs who were sprayed and really stunk! Feature Image Big parrots, big personalities A hyacinth and Major Mitchell's cockatoo arrive when their family can no longer care for them. These large parrots also have huge personalities. Feature Image Stopping the sale of puppy mill dogs in Los Angeles LA City Councilman Tony Cardenas, Best Friends and LA celebrities launch ‘A Puppy-Store-Free LA' campaign to stop sale of puppies in Los Angeles. Feature Image Animal art retreat at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary An animal art workshop is offered at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah. The artist retreat focuses on artwork focused on animals. Feature Image Keeping a fledgling Northern saw-whet owl wild Young Northern saw-whet owl comes to Best Friends after being rescued by a well-meaning couple after being abandoned. However, he must be kept wild. Feature Image Cookie fundraiser for animals Thirteen-year-old Samantha Hilbish fundraises for homeless animals by selling cookies. Feature Image Meet the other Simpsons Discovered on the Best Friends website, Edna is adopted into a Simpsons-happy palace for pooches. Feature Image Duck out of water, now in! You'd think a duck with water-related troubles would be in a tough spot, but not at the home of a certain Best Friends member. Feature Image FLOCK cats get their day in court Nevada district attorney files animal cruelty charges against FLOCK, the desert compound where conditions were so bad that 800+ cats needed rescue by Best Friends. Feature Image Saving puppies from being abandoned Fredonia Humane Society and Best Friends work together to save seven puppies from being abandoned beside a dumpster to fend for themselves in Arizona. Feature Image A gathering of greyhounds A gathering of rescued greyhounds and their people, which included a greyhound parade, is held in Southern Utah. Feature Image Vicktory dogs playing in the pool Many of the former Michael Vick dogs are having a blast playing in the pool. Some, however, are suspect of these big toys. Feature Pagination Previous page First page 1 … Page 288 Page 289 Current page 290 Page 291 Page 292 … Last page 312 Next page