Best Friends Fitness Center
Welcome to the Best Friends Fitness Center, located at 163 S 100 E in the heart of downtown Kanab, UT. The Fitness Center serves the community of Kanab and is open to the public. Come down and check out our extensive offerings of classes, free weights, exercise equipment, spin bikes, cardio machines, and more! Take care of yourself so you can help save them all.
Click here for the latest class schedule
Monday - Thursday: 5 am - 9 pm
Friday: 5 am - 8 pm
Saturday: 7 am - noon
Sunday: 3 pm - 7 pm
Closed selected Holidays and Holiday weekends
163 S 100 E
Kanab, UT 84741
(435) 644-5474
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Monthly rates: $40.00 (individual)
Senior discount rate: $32 (age 55+)
Six months in advance rate: $225 ($38/month automatic deduction)
One year in advance rate: $402 ($34/month automatic deduction)
We offer corporate and group rates. Please call or stop in for more details.
Day Pass: $15/day
Best Friends volunteer or intern: $10
Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.